Southern Oregon

Why do we need Drug Education in Southern Oregon?

Research shows that only about half of our young people get the proper education about drugs and substances. That’s why the current campaign for Drug Education in Southern Oregon is targeting our young people with a powerful message to help them understand why drugs are dangerous. We will also provide parents and teachers the tools to help teach our children to make better choices.

The graphs below tell the entire story.

The need for Drug Education in Klamath Falls has never been greater. What we are not teaching our young people about drugs is shocking.

Let’s improve drug education in Southern Oregon and the surrounding communities. The drug problem is severe because 1) only about 50% of our children get the right kind of education, 2) a large percentage of high school students believe that drugs are not dangerous, and 3) many states are legalizing or decriminalizing drugs so the kids think they must be safe.

It’s time to improve drug education in Southern Oregon. Let’s teach our kids about the dangers of these deadly drugs.

Let’s start here and now to turn the tide of this deadly trend.

Facts About Drugs and Substance Abuse

The negative impact that drugs and substance abuse is immense.

  • killed over 100,000 people last year
  • drunk drivers kill over 50,000 people every year
  • alcohol killed almost 90,000 last year
  • a major cause of crime
  • a major contributor to domestic violence
  • a major contributor to mental illness
  • mental illness is a major cause of homelessness
  • increased risk of physical health problems such as heart disease, liver damage, and lung disease
  • higher unemployment and poverty due to decreased productivity and increased healthcare costs.
  • increased risk of accidents and injuries, both at home and in the workplace.
  • negative impact on personal relationships
  • divorce
  • decreased social connections
  • isolation
  • child abuse and neglect
  • decreased school attendance and lower grades

Here’s How We’ll Improve Drug Education in Southern Oregon

Our mission is to educate our children about the dangers of drugs. In our best-case scenario, we will reach them before they have to make a decision about whether to use or not and give them a view of what could happen if they decide to use.

Our next goal is to reach young people who may have experimented or maybe are using casually and show them where drug use may lead them.

And finally, our next best option is to reach those who are using and try to intervene. Our program will them there is hope and where to go to get help.

To this end, we are creating a movie that tells a story to illustrate the consequences of that moment when they will have to choose and if that time has passed, then there is hope and how to break free from the chains of addiction.

The next step is to broadcast the show on television and online. This ensures accessibility to everyone, including classrooms, family gatherings, and programs.

In addition to the television show, we are telling the story through a graphic novel. This way the story can be found in doctor’s offices, civic centers, grocery stores, jails, or any place a young person could find it.

Prior to the broadcast and release, we will promote the show through all available advertising sources. This includes social media, YouTube, newspaper, radio, and of course television. In addition, a direct mail campaign will alert the schools and other organizations like the YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, and Civic Organizations like Rotary, Lions, and the Elks. Plus, attractive posters will be sent to all our sponsors and posted in conspicuous places to reach a wider audience.

In addition, an online discussion guide will help family members, teachers, and others who may watch the movie, to take the teaching moments and talk about the important points of the movie.

Sponsorship Opportunities

One of the benefits of sponsoring this campaign is we will attach your business’ name to the material we use to teach.

All Sponsors receive:

  • a Handsome Certificate
  • the 2023 SOC Logo to use in your advertising
  • will be listed on social media and on our website
  • a DVD of this year’s program
  • listed on campaign posters
  • listings the online discussion guides

Regional Sponsors’ business names are listed on everything we do. It’s massive exposure telling the people of Southern Oregon that you are committed to protecting our children.

  • included in the broadcast
  • included in the Promotional Television Spots
  • included in the Promotional Radio Spots
  • included in all other forms of promotion
  • a display ad in the graphic novel

Local Sponsors also get a lot of exposure. Many people refer to this as the Goldilocks sponsorship.

  • Local Sponsors will be included in all print and electronic ads
  • Local Sponsors will be listed in the online discussion guide

Business Sponsorship is perfect for a solopreneur who wants localized exposure.

  • listing in the graphic novel
  • listing in the online discussion guide

Individual Sponsors are for the folks who want to help out.

Dedications: If you have lost an immediate family member to drugs or substance abuse, please share their memory with us. Help us let people understand it can happen to them.


Currently, we use PayPal to process our transactions. If you do not have access to PayPal, we can take a credit card over the phone or you can send a check.






DEDICATIONS: There is no charge to list a loved one’s loss. Just email a picture with a note that we can use it in our campaign.

As you can imagine, the expenses for this campaign are substantial. The greater the raise, the more we will be able to invest in educating the kids of Klamath.

The sponsors are listed in the order of signup. The earlier you get in the more exposure you will get.