
Saving Our Children Campaign is all about taking action to make sure the next generation isn’t devastated as current projections indicate. To that end, we offer the following teaching tools for families and educators to use to protect our children.

Eric’s Song Graphic Novel

If you want your kids to understand the true nature of drugs, this is a great resource because it lets them see, firsthand what drugs can do to an individual and family.

Eric's Song Graphic Novel designed for youngsters right and older.

Eric’s Song Hardcover Library Edition

This tells the true story of a teen named Eric who is lured into the world of drugs.

Eric's Song Hardcover Library Edition

Campaign Action Plan

Why are drugs such a problem and how can we end this disaster?

Saving Alpha

After examining the disaster caused by drugs, this book offers many solutions, and a call to action

Saving the next generation: Alpha

Five-Minutes a Day to Drug-Free Kids

As a parent, how can we keep our kids away from drugs?

A Wasted Life

A life is a terrible thing to waste. Examine how drugs affect our society and all of us who live here.

A Wasted Life: The Devastating Effects of Drugs and Substance Abuse on People and Society

More to Come

If you have ideas of what kind of material or programming we should include, we’d like to hear from you. Email us here.